Wednesday, January 27, 2016


Group Opinions

1. Make it look more professional by adding a background and maybe saying more facts about the party.

2. The acting could have been taken more seriously because that would of added a more professional and serious vibe that could have made the video better.

3. Make sure that the setting is more controlled because you can clearly see people walking in and out of shots that have nothing to do with the video in general.

Personal Opinion

1. I personally think that I should have not acted, I'm not very good in front of the camera and the video probably would have been a lot better if my being was not in it. I do much better behind the scenes.

2. I think we should of giving ourselves more time to do the whole project, we didn't due the majority of the project until the last few classes and I think that if we were given ourselves more time we could of checked over things just to make it over all better, such as better audio and etc.