Friday, December 11, 2015

Propaganda in Politics

1) Bandwagon: Makes it seem like a lot of people have already joined and there would be great advantages if they joined, an "in your face until you join" method.
Scapegoating: uses guilt to blame one certain group without fully investigating the situation
Lesser of two evils: putting up the idea they want to succeed next to an idea that more worse than their idea
Down with the kids: changing away from the entire truth in order to be noticed by a certain group
Assertion: stating something as fact, whether it actually is or not, with enthusiasm, a modern technique in advertisement
Transfer: effort to transfer from what you respect and approve of to whatever the propagandist wants you to respect and approve of
Omission: leaving out certain facts to make something work in favor of a certain way 

2) Bandwagon:; He wants everyone to come together to secure a better future for America.

Scapegoating:; Ben Carson blames Obama and Hilary Clinton for the melt down in the middle east.

Lesser of two evils:; He compares what Obama did to what he would have done.

Down with the kids:; He's specifically doing this to get people who are against planned parenthood on his side. 

Assertion:; You can't be positive that what he is saying are facts and not just statements of what he believes.

Transfer:; Tries to transfer your views on religious liberty.

Omission:; He doesn't go into much detail about the events and facts of what he speaks of so for all we know the situations are completely different.