Monday, August 31, 2015

Plot, Theme, and the Narrative Arc

Characters: The protagonists of the story are Wallace, Gromit, and the little moon robot. There really weren't any antagonist in the story.

Setting: The setting takes place on the moon.

Mood: The mood is very cheesy, it is playful, making something none tragic seem very tragic.

Conflict: The conflict of the story is that Wallace and Gromit ran out of cheese in the house and they need to get more. Also there is conflict between Wallace and Gromit and the robot.

Resolution: The resolution is a comic resolution because it favors the protagonists seeing has they got a lot of cheese from the moon in the end, and the robot got to ski in the end as well. 

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Wrong Trousers

Title/Opening Credits: This opening was probably chosen to show how the trousers are bad and 'evil', so by making the shadow of them in the beginning, it really brings like a dramatic flair to the trousers.

Story/Plot/Narrative: A key moment in the film was when the penguin was going for the diamond and the diamond dropped. That whole scene was really suspenseful and made me hold my breath just watching it. A key emotional moment was when Gromit was leaving the house, and the rain was pouring, it was just very dramatic, an made me want to reach out and hug Gromit and just take him in, share the love.

Motif: A motif in the film was always having the angle be from Gromit's POV, just seeing most of the film from his point of view really added emotion into the film because he sees everything going on while Wallace is mostly clueless the whole time.

Characterization: The central characters in the film is Wallace, Gromit, and the penguin. They are what the film is surrounded by. If anything Wallace is more of a minor character versus Gromit and the penguin because they were having the riving conflict while Wallace was more of just a toy in the menace of their conflict.

Scene and Sets: The film is shot on both a set and on digital. The set is really important because it really adds to the story and without it the film wouldn't of been what it is without the set. It really brings out the emotion from Gromit and the wit from the penguin.